White Paper gratuito : Power management for server virtualization, cloud orchestration and integrated IT environments

Server virtualization and new cloud architectures empower businesses with significant advantages that include reduced hardware expenses, simplified administration and heightened availability.


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As a result, nearly 80 percent of server workloads supported by x86 hardware are now running on virtual machines, according to Gartner estimates. However, despite its widespread adoption and benefits, the technology is not without its challenges.

This white paper discusses how the latest power management solutions enhance the impact of server virtualization and cloud technologies on business continuity and help virtualized data
centers, including those using integrated environments, such as converged (CI) or hyper-converged (HCI) infrastructure, more effectively cope with utility failures. At the same time, cutting-edge power management software solutions hold the key to increased control, productivity and responsiveness,
while reducing infrastructure requirements and operating costs.

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